Weight Loss and Mental Health

  • What made you decide it was time to take action and transform your health? 'I lost weight with weight watchers but I have a never ending struggle with trying to keep fit and healthy whilst drinking like a high functioning alcoholic and eating like I’m never getting fed again. I was really excited to work with Melissa as since changing jobs almost 2 years ago my lifestyle has pretty much fallen out of any of the routine I used to know and love. I travel a lot more now meaning I have to rely on whatever is marked down in Marks & Spencer’s at the train station and because I’m away from home a lot more, my partner and I tend to ‘celebrate’ me coming home. And like every other good over eater, a celebration for me always means food! A such I’ve piled the weight on. Almost a stone in the last year to be exact.'
  • Why did you choose to work with me specifically? 'Melissa is a Registered Associate Nutritionist with a first class degree in Food and Human Nutrition which is endorsed by the Association for Nutrition, so she’s held in the highest standard of evidence based practice. Simply put, I was in safe hands, because if science can’t help me lose weight what can?!'
  • What were you feeling before starting the program? 'I had this target weight of 10st 6lbs in my head, as that was the target weight I was given from my Weight Watchers class almost 14 years ago. That was always ‘the goal’. I know that slimming clubs work for a lot of people so i’m not taking anything away from them, but she was right in saying that they can also instil some bad habits as well. This 10st 6lbs was only worked out based on the very simple BMI charts that are always hanging in your doctor’s office. My height. That’s it. That’s as scientific as it got. My fitness, or my bone density or my genetics never played a factor into that target. And they certainly didn’t care about my mental health. It was a very black and white process. Lose weight – good. Gain weight – bad. And in hindsight, for me, that’s not a very supportive or positive environment to be in.'
  • How did you feel during the program? ' I was given the first 2 weeks of my new meal plan and had another call to talk about how I was finding it, what worked and what didn’t. We had a talk about what foods I might be missing, and Melissa created a further two weeks. I think the fact that Melissa is so easy to talk to is half the battle to be honest, and never at any point did I feel like I was having anything I didn’t want to eat thrust upon me. The meal plans were extremely professionally presented with easy to follow instructions and professional photography of what everything should look like.'
  • What was your biggest challenge, and how did you overcome it? 'The first week of the plan contained a lot of smoothies and, for whatever reason I just can’t get on board with them. They don’t fill me up and are faffy to make. This was the beauty of having regular contact though, I fed that back to Melissa and not another smoothie darkened my door again'
  • How do you feel now? 'You have changed my life! Well despite having a week off in between my four-week plan where I was away twice and must have eaten my body weight in cheesy puffs, I still managed to lose exactly 5lbs in total. Which is an incredible result for me. The food is so colourful and well-seasoned, I’ve found myself looking forward to meals much more. I’d say over all I’ve been happier, slept better and have more energy. The biggest factor for me though I think is that before this plan, I was quite simply trying to run off a bad diet. I would eat badly, then try and exercise it off to try and offset some of the damage. Because I’m eating so much better now, if I’m tired after work or want to go and meet someone for tea, I don’t feel guilty for not going to the gym, because I’m eating all the right things anyway. The exercise is just a bonus as and when I can fit it in.'


Meal Planning tips for busy people


Myth Busting!