5 Immunity Supporting Foods You Can't Go Without

This post is about the essential nutrition guide to boost our natural defences. There is so much nutrition advice out there it is hard to know what to believe. 

For superior health, we must eat more nutrient- rich foods and fewer calorie rich foods

Healthy eating that heals your body is an ancient idea, but more relevant than ever today especially during a pandemic! With everything going on, it is vital to keep as healthy as possible by eating healthy foods packed with nutrients that are immunity supporting. I believe that all fruit and vegetables are super. But the ones below are nutrient and phytochemical dense that help our bodies heal. Adding these types of foods can lead to a lower rate of cancer too especially foods like kale, broccoli and cauliflower.

Some of my favourite foods include:  

  1. Citrus fruits:


Oranges, lemons and grapefruits are packed with vitamin C! Which is one of the most important vitamins to help increase white blood cell production and help your body fight infections. You don’t have to wait to get an infection to increase your white blood cell count!

2. Garlic:


One of the best ingredients in any dish of almost any cuisine, adding garlic to your foods is an efficient way to load up on important infection fighting compounds such as allicin; which is a compound containing sulphur that gives garlic its amazing medicinal properties that have been recognized through generations. 

3. Ginger:


Containing gingerol; which is one of the best medicinal substances. Incorporating ginger into your diet is an excellent way to ensure a stronger immune system, as it helps fight off any infections due to its inhibitory bacterial effects.

4. Spinach:


A great source of iron antioxidants and ß-carotene this increases the strength of your immune system. It’s also a great source of vitamin A. Spinach is the most nutritionally beneficial when cooked lightly so that all nutrients are retained.

5. Almonds:


A high source of vitamin E, which is a vital antioxidant in maintaining a proper immune system. Variety is important in diets as having sufficient vitamin intake is key to maintaining a proper immune system.

It is important to incorporate beneficial foods in your diet, to maintain feeling as healthy as possible plus aiming for 30g of fibre a day. To boost your fibre eat more beans, peas, squash, quinoa, brown rice as these are good quality carbs. Animal products, processed foods, cereals and pretty much anything made of white flour make up most of our diet today. Barely any of us are reaching off five a day in the UK and therefore an insistence of suffering as a result as we not getting the phytochemicals in the above foods.

This article was produced by Lujain- @Lujainalhassan a nutrition student!

To transform your immunity and gut health book onto my bespoke program today 

Improving your gut health can help with

  1. Weight loss and energy
  2. Inflammation and pain
  3. Mood and well being
  4. Immunity and skin
  5. Hormone balance
  6. Support immunity during Covid-19

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