Easy ways to reduce your calorie intake

Changing your portions to the correct size can make a huge difference to your health and weight. I like to use my hands as a guide at each meal I aim for 2 handfuls of non starchy vegetables like courgette and pepper, 1 handful of starchy carb like potato, palm size of protein like fish and a thumb size of healthy fat like olive oil.Here are some tips and tricks to help lower your calorie intake without compromising on taste.

  1. Changing your large caffe latte to small saves you 150 kcal
  2. Try adding some cauliflower rice instead of rice which saves you 210 calories per 180g serving. All you have to do is whizz some cauliflower in a food processor and then steam them
  3. Dinner lets say you are making a spag bol by swapping beef mince to quorn  you are saving 120 kcal per 100g and you are gaining fibre and a significant reducation in fat
  4. Courgette noodles rather than pasta saves you 268 calories per 220g spaghetti. Also you gain another one of your 5 a day and courgette provides 5 times more potassium which can lower your blood pressure. Courgetes are also rich in folate and vitamin C
  5. 30g almonds to 20g saves 55 kcals

Total of savings150kcal+ 210+ 388+ 55= 803 calories


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